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Acupuncture is a healing modality that dates back hundreds of years. It involves a technique of inserting thin needles into very specific points in the body to improve circulation, regulate the autonomic nervous system, and release natural opioids, alleviating pain and deeply relaxing the mind and body.

Thousands of research studies have been published by the National Institute of Health on acupuncture and pain management speaking to its efficacy and momentum in the medical field for the use of acupuncture as intervention in pain conditions.



myofascial decompression

A widely used therapy with its roots stemming from the acupuncturist's tool box. Cups are placed on the body to pull up compromised tissue and allows fresh blood in to heal the area. Cupping is used in the treatment of general tension and muscular pain.




instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization

A small tool, usually made of ceramic or stone, is gently glided along comprised tissue to help increase circulation and relieve tension. Gua sha is used to treat scar tissue, adhesions, tension headaches, tinnitus, and general pain.



The system of herbal medicine within the scope of Chinese medicine has been in practice and fine-tuned over centuries of successful application. Herbal medicine is prescribed after careful analysis of symptoms that are specific to your current state, your past history, and your general constitution. The therapeutic aim is to get to the root of the issue, understand how that root entangles with your unique signature and unearths it so you can come back to a whole state of wellbeing.

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